Saturday, November 1, 2008

November 2008 pics....

I'd like to say hello to my nephew in Oxford, Maine:


..........Now, on with the new pics!! ..........


Joel said...

Hi, I came across your site and wasn’t able to get an email address to contact you. Would you please consider adding a link to my website on your page. Please email me back and we'll talk about it.


Joel Houston

Stelle said...

Hotwheels has never failed to come up with some pretty crazy car designs, and these ones here don't fall below the crazy meter. You only have to look at the first car to realize that! Designers of these cars probably take a ton of thinking just to come up with these car designs.

Stelle Courney

Vannessa said...

What a nice collection out there! These probably cost a lot… but it's worth it, right? My second cousin collects similar stuff and is now on the verge of getting all the collectibles! I guess he'll do everything just to find ancient toy cars… That's how much he likes 'em!

Vannessa Gabbett

thousand faces said...

mantap hotwheels nya, amazing kali ini yach. "ILU"

Chơi mô hình said...

An awesome information, thanks you for sharing it.


Johnny said...

Hmm i dont know if theyr all Hot Wheels , cause there are some i never saw , but thanks for the pics. Ialso have a few if you wanna check them out ...